July 2, 2024

Release 0.0.23 - Try it out without an account!

Release 0.0.23 - Try it out without an account!

Today we released version 0.0.23 of the Regression Games SDK for automated QA testing in Unity. Let’s explore some of the newest features on the platform.

Try the validation tools demo without an account or game

If you want to learn more about our tools without integrating it into your own game, check out our demo project on the login page! This demo shows off our powerful no-code UI for defining test scenarios for a gameplay session, as well as our data collection features in Unity.

Visit https://play.regression.gg to try out the demo project

Support for the legacy Unity input system

The SDK now supports reading and replaying recorded gameplay sessions for games using the legacy input system, rather than just the new Input System package. If you have a project that uses either of these tools, you can get an agent up and running in minutes by following our getting started tutorial.

View game state and performance information for a session

Our new gameplay session dashboard lets you view and inspect gameplay recordings with incredible detail. View not only screenshots, but specific properties on MonoBehaviours within your scene, as well as performance data such as vertex count, CPU, and memory usage. For spawned objects, you’ll also see their context within the screenshot view.

As always, you can learn more about the changes in this release at https://docs.regression.gg/changelog

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